Another year has passed. At Blue Coast, we always like to take a moment to reflect on and acknowledge each step we've taken. The start and end of a calendar year is as good a measure as any to frame the big moments. So, without further ado, this was 2018 by the numbers.
To us, our clients success feels like our success and so we celebrated two events this year right along with our clients. WebDam was acquired by Bynder and SI-BONE went public which lead to...
Blue Coast launched two redesigns: SI-BONE and Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory High School in San Francisco. We were also fortunate to have the time to complete passion projects including Get Off Your Donkey and Vote! which turned out to be a great example of the power of influence marketing.
We were amazingly lucky to bring another new front end developer aboard. He comes to us with 13 years of code written and seven guitars to shred on.
All of this takes work that runs on code, food and special friends. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped us make this year a success!